About us and our aims

Ascension festival is A not for profit organisation that is highlighting some of the best up and coming bands along with offering holistic workshops ,rites and rituals all focused on alternative ways of managing mental health and anxiety , along with self empowerment workshops . Music is a wonderful way to unite people and build support networks and has a positive effect on our moods . The proceeds will go into opening mental health support hubs around the Midlands operating as a drop in centre for those who are in crisis and those isolated , sometimes a chat at the right time can save a life . I plan to have support workers and volunteers running it with me and offering social meets ,classes and talks on various methods of coping and being able to red flag anybody who is in crisis and refer to other organisations . Mental health support is seriously lacking and the support is not where it should be . A hub that runs as a community could save lives .

Our Mission

  • The purpose of our event is to showcase up and coming bands, singers and creative artists we chose the name ascension as our aim is to see all kinds of artists ascend into something amazing.

  • To offer classes on alternative / holistic therapies that may help cope with anxiety, depression and build self esteem

  • We want all our guests to feel like they have somewhere they can be themselves in an non judgmental, positive and welcoming environment.

  • We hope to make this an annual festival and that grows in what we offer . We value all supporting us and hope that all who attend take something positive away from the event .